It seems that everyone has finally settled on a team name. I think it's time to rank these team names.
12. Tom Cable Hit Me Too - This makes no sense and has no comedic value whatsoever. Stable of Collies was just as bad. We all know Crazy has a creative mind, it'd be nice to see him apply that to naming his FF teams.
11. Powerhouse of Deliverance - Ok Kiwon, we get it. You've had this team name as far back as the Steven and Marci era, it's time for a change.
10. Hurricane Ditka - At least this was changed from the awkward Sarah Palin hatred (you don't see me naming my team Obama's Blank Checkbook From Hell!), but I have one word to describe this name and that is "eh." It's not bad or good, just kinda there.
9. Mike Vick in a Box Baby! - Yeah, I get the joke, it's just not that funny at all. Steven clearly obtains his team names from websites looking for the most immature/potty mouth type of team name. He should rely on Deige9 going forward.
8. Paper Champions - This is a good team name, but the first one was so bad that I can't put Roscher above 8th. The Roach Man is by far the most ingenious league member when it comes to things like this. A prime example is when I had to try to explain to my coworkers in the conference room today why I couldn't stop giggling after the infamous PPT. Let's hope he exerts some of that thought towards his team name in 2010.
7. InGoreious Bastards- This name isn't funny, I'll concede that. It does relate to my team which is more then I can say for anyone other than Ande. I should change it to "Iowa 4 Fiesta Bowl", but I'll save Gizz the heart attack. Did you know that Illannoy had as many big 10 wins as Iowa did big 10 losses?
6. Five On The Yo - I think this relates to an inside joke I am on the outside of but either way it's a cool team name. Now if Karalis could field a competitive team one of these years and avoid being trade raped, he'd really have something cooking.
5. Stump the Schaub - Good team name that relates to Ande's boom/bust pick of the year that was a boom for the most part. However, this nickname was created by Chris Berman who is not an acceptable source for a team name. This could potentially open the door to Crazy naming his team "da da da da da da da da" or "The Oakland Raiiiderrrs." Better yet, Gizz may name his team "Circle the Wagons like the Buffalo Bills."
4. In The Basement Makin My Movies - Unfortunately, I don't think the whole league gets this one but it is quite hilarious. I would put it #1 on personal list, but in true Chairman of the Ethics Committee fashion, I am providing this list with the good of the league in mind.
3. 2 Many Dicks on the Dance Floor - Great team name, but where the hell was it week 1? Whispering Eye was pretty good too. The only problem is whenever I play Vande I find myself running around all day singin' the song. Too many dicks, not enough chicks....here I go again...
2. She Can Just Watch Us Draft- Apparently, this is a non-issue as Kiwon is back on the prowl these days. Gizz gets a high ranking due to back-to-back years of solid Kiwon references. How great will it be to spend NYE with Kiwon once again? Can we get a courtesy Bartos/Flattop appearance?
1. Flight of the Neckbeards - What Aero lacked in early season reasonable trade offers he more then made up for with this team name. I'm well aware that Orton is not on his team, but the name is amazing. Props to you sir.
I believe we should implement a new rule whereby the team name you start with for the Ohpener is set in stone with one exception. If it is based on a player and you trade that player, you are permitted to change your name.
Where have Steven's infamous power rankings been the last month? Oh yeah, he hasn't been winning. Is Wideberg still running around town talking about how you have the best team in the GOFFL?