As an outsider (it's true that I did not grow up in one of the finest cities in Illinois - oh wait I did... Chicago) I decided to do a little research on my own. According to CNNMoney.com 2007 Libertyville was ranked as the nicest place to live in Illinois but it is hard to respect these rankings when the fine cities of Lisle and South Elgin rank #2 and #3 respectively. Comparing Green Oaks (pictured top right) to Libertyville is like comparing Bridgeport to Chicago.
"Green Oaks' residents are not considered as refined as Libertyville's, there are a lot of shadey people that live there. I had the pleasure of coaching some of the young men of the GOFFL back in 2002 and they were nothing but a bunch of pussies who couldn't get laid even if they were in prison and had a handfull of pardons." - Asst. Coach Karl Jennrich (pictured top left)
I'm glad the draft has moved to a respected city this year and to be honest it was about time. I know that I have only been part of one fantasy draft before but this is the fuckin major leagues here. I hope to win this league so that I can keep it within the city limits. I would man the helms like Lovie does for the Bears instead of Gizz who runs this league like Steve "Mongo" McMichael coaches his beloved Slaughter (a lot of trash talking, thinks he knows more about football then everybody else but in reality all anybody else hears is a guy struggling to put two coherent sentences together).
I look forward to the draft on Friday night. Since we will be in the city we SHOULD go to some skin bars (assuming Bill puts on a smile and his hetero pants) instead of in Libertyville sitting by a bonfire and playing Limp Biscuit with each other. And I'll leave you on this Jack Handey quote...
Well put Crazy, especially the part about comparing Gizz to Steve McMichael
nice work crazy love the jennerich pic....glad gizz got overruled and your back in the league
Making the case for Comeback Owner of the Year.....
thank you for the kind words gentlemen. and for your reference i just remember bill always talking about some jennrick guy so i went to the libertyville football website and found a picture of that crazy fucker
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