I wanted to post this not only to defend my awesomeness, but if you can see and look closely on the bottom left column an Andrew Halbert outstanding pitching reference. Congrats Halbert.
Blast from the past, if you get your magnifying glass out you can see other notable names from AA: Jonathan Randall, Ross Van Beek, Matt Zurek, Chris Mulligan, Brandon Olsen amongst others.
This is one of my many outstanding athletic accomplishments. I'm no longer living a fantasy I am living in reality.
I also would like to note that when halbert pitched they lost 18-0 however it looks like he only gave up one run.
I was also going to note the fact that I was named a "leading pitcher" in a game we lost 18-0....apparently Car X was so overjoyed to get me out of the game that they took it out on the rest of our pitching staff
where are my damn power rankings? i had to have moved up from 11th!
I'll have you know that the AA Little league Championship was won by Century Electric. Notable players: Mike Anderson, Matt Dunk, Todd Schneider, Tyler Labrum, Pat Dane. Notice the repeats in these box scores for players who werent even on these teams.
Yes, that year but the following year or the year before it was HOT102.3!
You peaked at an early age.
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