Friday, September 16, 2011

GOFFL Team Name Rankings

Since Gizz is too consumed with FSV to commish a league and Steve can only tweet, facebook or google plus his thoughts I figured I'd put together the GOFFL Team Name ranks because we've got a real bad batch this year.

12. Bachelor Specials - A lazy owner who can't change his name gets a last place rank.

11. Chrone's Jokes Are Not Funny - The first chrones joke wasn't funny and the chrones joke about the chrones joke isn't any funnier.

10. True Musky Queen - A guy who perenially ranks in the top 3 of team names comes up with 2 bad ones in a row... must be why there's crickets when it comes to putting this list together...

9. Donkey Dick Ken - I tried to get the explanation and it was something about a boss' boss or his dads size 15 shoes and a GOFFL member talking about his dads junk... either way it fails in comparison to Cutlers Church Group

8. Castor Troy - While the picture is hilarious I don't quite get the change from Eddie Royale with Cheese which would have been a top 3 contender (it's like Who Ya Crappin on the Score - the name used to really capture the essence of a fantasy team name), just because the picture is hilarious doesn't mean the team name is.

7. Draft Baked? (See RB's) - Shouldn't the name be "Draft Baked? (See WR's) or Draft Baked? (See TE)?" It was funny without the parentheses but if I was Gizz I would change my team name to "Aaron Rodgers and Baltimore D Inc."

6. Wingfest Official Judge - At least the guy wore the shirt to the draft. He's very happy of the title and would like to let the whole GOFFL world know it.

5. I AM ALL THAT IS MAN! - Is Kiwon only going to name is team after Supertroopers quotes? I mean he would be able to keep that strategy for the next 30 years but it's getting pretty predictable. Kiwon's probable 2012 fantasy team name: WHO WANTS A MUSTACHE RIDE?

4. hastag aerospenis - I mean it was funny... Aero pulled out his dick for a group photo, it trended and it will continue to trend.

3. Lou let the dogs out? Lou! - It's a play on his name, the guy covers the bears and it's a good play on words - overall a real solid name but just like Kiwon, how many times can he come up with Canelis team names?

2. Crazy Eyez Killahz - A play on the name, a funny picture and I haven't used it before. Doesn't really relate to football or the league so I can't consider it #1.

1. The Team Kiwon Meant 2 Draft - Every GOFFL member was there for that infamous Gizz quote and it still is pretty funny till this day. Even throws in a "2" instead of "to" to note draft position, very clever and very cool. Surprising considering the guy is usually Team Anderson through week 8.

Fantasy Football team names should be original, have something to do with football or the league, be a play on words and should be funny. Most of the current team names don't meet even 2 of the criteria but please do not change your team names! One can only handle so many James Simon pictures and posts.